NSA Coordination Platform

The NSA Coordination Platform (NCP) was formed in 2009 to contribute to Single European Sky (SES) implementation under the aegis of the Single Sky Committee (SSC). The NCP is a platform for National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs) to share experiences and to develop added value between NSA-related activities.

The NCP is composed of a Plenary, Advisory Board and five Working Groups, as described below. It is Co-Chaired by the Commission and an NSA representative.

This portal provides a public interface for the NCP. To learn more about the NCP and its work, please refer to the Terms of Reference and the Work Programme.

A private NCP members’ area containing document repositories for each of the NCP groups and latest information can be accessed by registered users via the “Login” button.

Further information may be found on the European Commission website.

Working Group Description


The plenary is composed of heads of NSAs, and meets twice per year. This is a forum or strategic discussion on the evolution of the NSA role in line with SES requirements.

The Plenary meetings are chaired by the NCP Co-Chairs: Frederik Rasmussen (EC), Kari Siekkinen (FI NSA)

Advisory Board

The plenary is composed of heads of NSAs, and meets twice per year. This is a forum or strategic discussion on the evolution of the NSA role in line with SES requirements.

Co-Chairs: Frederik Rasmussen (EC), Kari Siekkinen (FI NSA)

Transversal Working Group

The Transversal WG approaches cross-domain topics that impact the work of NSAs in a holistic manner. It consolidates the responsibilities of preceding IOP, SESAR and FAB Working Groups.

Chair: Paul Kennedy (IE NSA)

Performance Working Group

The Transversal WG approaches cross-domain topics that impact the work of NSAs in a holistic manner. It consolidates the responsibilities of preceding IOP, SESAR and FAB Working Groups.

Chair: Patricia Nieto Valiente (ES NSA)

Safety Oversight Working Group

The Safety Oversight WG reviews and discusses safety issues in partnership with EASA, provides feedback to EASA on the impact of their activities on NSAs and prepares and validates NCP guidelines based on best practices at NSA level.